AZ Coolers Only

Swamp Cooler Replacement

A swamp cooler or an evaporative cooler is vital equipment for homeowners and business owners in Arizona. It emits cool air in a more efficient and economical way than your ordinary air conditioner.

However, when it becomes too old or not maintained properly, the cooler equipment may become inefficient and unreliable. This is when a swamp cooler replacement may become necessary.

At AZ Coolers Only, we can replace an old swamp cooler and continue to swamp cooler maintain it to ensure it works effectively during the hot summer months when you rely on it the most.

Swamp coolers do not fail overnight. They develop issues slowly and worsen overtime if owners do not swamp cooler repair and swamp cooler maintain them properly.

It is important to pay attention to your cooler and take notice of any issues before it fails completely, as it will display some signs. If you have noticed any of the following signs, contact us for quick and thorough assistance.


Swamp coolers use water to run, so there is a high probability they will eventually succumb to water damage. Exposure of metal to water can eventually cause corrosion.

When the minerals in the water cause the interior surfaces of the cooler to rust, it will lose its energy efficiency. To cut down on running an expensive rusty cooler, it should be replaced.

Your system is coming close to the end of its life

Even if you have been maintaining it every year, it will naturally depreciate and age over time.

If your unit is too old, it might struggle to keep working properly and produce the cool air necessary for your home during the hot summer season.

It’s best to not keep a failing unit that is not functioning at top efficiency if it cannot be repaired. Call AZ Coolers Only to replace your swamp cooler easily and efficiently.

Cooler airflow seems faulty or water is leaking

It’s vital that the unit is able to produce cold airflow. If you have noticed that your unit is not doing its primary job, you should have it examined.

If we find that swamp cooler installation of new parts won’t fix the problem, we will recommend replacing the unit entirely.

Additionally, if the cooler has leaks, it is a good sign that the unit may not have been properly maintained. Eventually your unit will build up irreversible problems and fail.

Call us today and we can help you inspect the system and determine if it should bereplaced. If your cooler has reached its end, let us replace it for you.

AZ Coolers Only can assist you if you have noticed any of the telltale signs we have listed above. Contact us here today for an affordable swamp cooler replacement quote and a free initial consultation. 

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